

The information, software, products, and services this page sets forth the terms and conditions under which BHAKTIROUTE.COM provides the information on this Website, the use and viewing of this site and the content there is governed by the Terms of Use. When you use this site you acknowledge that you have read the Terms of Use and that you agree to be bound by same, which may be modified from time to time.

Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited has taken reasonable care to ensure that the information posted on the website is accurate. However, Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this Website. Under no circumstances will Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited be liable for any loss or direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages caused by reliance on this information. The information on this Website / terms and conditions may be changed or updated without notice. Users are deemed to be apprised of and bound by such changes. Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited may also make improvements and/or changes in the products, services and/or programs described on this site at any time without notice. Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to this information, software, products, services and related graphics, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement.

When you use the website for online booking of services, please ensure that all the information provided by you such as names, dates of travel, passport numbers etc is accurate. Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited cannot be liable for any erroneous information given by you. BHAKTI ROUTE will not in any way be liable for any loss or inconvenience suffered by you as a result of erroneous information provided by you.

Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited shall be in no way responsible for the content of the advertisers. It may be noted that Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited does not in any way or in any manner endorse the products or services advertised on its website by third party advertisers. Users would be responsible for verifying the contents and information provided in such advertisements before making any decisions based on the same.

In case of third party products displayed on our website, we take no responsibility for the contents, quality or safety of the product in any way. Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited  would not be in any way liable or responsible for any loss, damage or injury sustained by the User as a result of availing such products and services advertised by third parties on the website.

Information concerning Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited , or any of its subsidiaries, their employees, customers, agents, or others on whom data is collected, stored, or processed is the property of Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited and is confidential except for the necessary disclosures required by law.

You may cite or refer to the information on this site and make copies of the information for your own non-commercial use.

The User shall hold Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited fully indemnified and harmless in case any suit, action, application, revision, writ petition, execution proceedings, claim, demand or any other legal proceedings are initiated against Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited due to any action /s of the User in using the website.

Should any of these terms and conditions be held invalid, that invalid provision shall be construed to be consistent with the applicable law, and in manner so as to remain consistent with the original intent of Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited . Provisions not otherwise held invalid shall remain in force.

It is up to you to take precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use is free of such items as viruses, worms, trojan horses, malicious codes and other items of a destructive nature. IN NO EVENT WILL Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR ANY LOSS OR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY USE OF THIS WEBSITE, OR ANY OTHER HYPERLINKED WEBSITE.

Please Note that none of the information contained in this Website should be viewed or construed as an offer to sell or as a solicitation to purchase any of our products or services. Rather, the information on our products and services is provided to you so that you can learn what products Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited generally offers. The products and service statements on this Website are for general description purposes only. Furthermore, not all the products or services are available in every state or country. Send us a message via our Contact Us page for the name of an agent who can supply you with details regarding terms and conditions, exclusions, products, and services.

It must not be construed that by advertising itineraries and packages to various destinations, any warranty or representation is made by the website to the User as regards the suitability and safety of any particular destination.

In any case, no liability on the part of Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited  arising in any way in respect of any tour, holiday, excursion facility shall not exceed the total amount paid for the tour, holiday, service and shall in no case include any consequential loss or additional expense whatsoever.

The information provided on this site is distributed with the understanding that Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited is not providing professional advice of any type. If you have a question requiring professional advice, such as question relating to law, tax or financial planning, please seek the advice of a qualified professional in the relevant field. WARRANTIES Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited specifically disclaims all warranties with respect to this Web site or your use thereof, express, implied, or otherwise, including without limitation, all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Bhakti Route Premium Tours Private Limited shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use or misuse of this site or the information on this site.

This disclaimer, limitation of liability and exclusions shall apply irrespective of whether the damages arise from (a) Breach of Warranty, (b) Negligence (c) Breach of Contract and (d) any other cause of action to the extent such limitation and exclusion are not rendered invalid by applicable law.

If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to email us at info@bhaktiroute.com
